Rock crib down by road, after equipment snagged it last year. |
Today was a big day. Annmarie was home sick so I got a late start after actually reading a book for entertainment this morning. I did check on her throughout the day but she slept most of the day on the living room couch. I decided to install a temporary panel fence out by the cattle guard so I can move the railroad tie two feet closer to the cattle guard. Once that is done I will restring the old barbwire and woven wire fence on the inside of both wooden ends and put up metal T posts. This will let us stack the wheels between the posts and then wire the wheels to the fence to hold them in place so they can be welded together. It is like a huge jigsaw puzzle to get all the metal rims stacked into a wall shape with minimal gaps.
After I repaired it. |
After that, I went down to the corner to rebuild the rock crib that got snagged by a tractor pulling a disc set. They wanted the opening larger but the rock crib was on an elevated rise. I tore the old one out and then used the tractor to level out all the ground. I got the rock crib all reassembled and filled with rocks. I ran out of rocks and had to start finding piles on the edge of the field to finish up. I think I still need about two more tractor buckets full to finish the rock crib. I used the same wood so one would think if I used all the rocks from the original rock crib that there would be enough rocks. Its kinda like the extra engine parts that appear after a rebuild, but in reverse. While Zeke and I were out working he got run over by a neighbor. The guy stopped and told me Zeke had just run out to the road and he slammed on his brakes but still ran over him. Zeke was next to me favoring his back right leg. I didn't feel any broken bones and he was able to bear weight on it. I told the guy it was not his fault as my dog ran out into the road. I had to give Zeke a bath when we got home as he was covered in cow shit. That dog loves the smell of fresh cow manure on him. Once he was cleaned up we found a few abrasions on him and he still favors his leg. I gave him an aspirin in some cheese. He is on light duty for a few days, which for him means house arrest. He only gets to leave the house for supervised potty breaks. This will not make him a happy camper! I need to shove the roadside fence inward and tighten one strand of wire so I can go along and drive the 65 metal T posts that are needed to repair the fence. Unfortunately, this all has to be done in one day so I don't leave a bunch of new fence posts alongside the road.
I was able to go to the metal scrap yard today and get 360# of woven wire and 40 metal T posts. I heard bad news while I was there. Someone else is buying T posts from the scrap yard! So now I need to go a little more frequently. If I can snag another 60 this summer it will be great! I need another 400-500 probably to do most of the fencing left. Could be even more if I put them all around the outside of the property. One day at a time. Next month I will have to start in on the barn roof, but the rain is still coming and going and I will not get up on the roof if it has rained recently or is going to rain, too easy to fall.
Soon to be other side of Iron Tire fence by cattle guard. |
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