Monday, July 20, 2015

Old house/shed now clean.

second room all clean now.
I spent all weekend cleaning out the house.  I emptied out 12 boxes of giveaway.  We are trying to get ready for company at the end of the week.  So I went on a binge and cleaned and emptied and threw stuff away.  After spending all weekend inside I figured it was time to tackle the old house.  I had tools and wood piled all over the floor.  There was not a horizontal surface empty and you had to step on wood or sneak around it to get any where in the building.  I just started throwing stuff out of the building.  We cleaned out the second room!  I have a couple more items to empty but not much and it is now useable.  The best part of the whole cleaning process was I needed a new pressure switch for the front irrigation pump.  I found a brand new one in the yellow cabinet!!  I can fix it myself and get the pump going next week, very nice. 
shop clean
I have to work tomorrow so my nephew is earning some summer money by hauling everything to the barn, the burn pile or the metal scrap pile.  The back porch needs some serious work also.  He will be tackling that also.  I gave him enough of a list that I don't expect him to finish tomorrow.  The best part was cleaning out the building only took us four hours.  It will take at least that long just to move the stuff from the front yard! I will now be able to find all my tools and not trip on anything. 
shop now clean.

Trash heap and wood pile for the barn.

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