Anyway, back to the point of the photo. When we first moved in, Steve built a lovely and sturdy trellis for the very old trumpet vine that grows outside the dining room window. This trellis extends the entire width of the house, and the eventual plan is to plant additional trumpet vines to cover it. So far that hasn't been successful, but we keep hoping. In the meantime, the chickens are pretty sure that this trellis was put in place just for them, and they have developed the habit of peaking in the windows. I'm not sure it they are hoping that we'll come out and give them a treat, or just trying to figure out why they can't come in. Either way, it's occasionally a bit startling. I guess that's the price I pay for bug control and great eggs. All in all, I think it's a pretty decent bargain.
PS - Steve is off working, so this was posted by Ann Marie. Steve occasionally refers to himself as Raisin, a nickname from when he was in the Navy, but I just can't bring myself to call him a dried up grape.