Friday, October 6, 2017

Just barn it

I am closing in on winter hay but not without a few trials. I have about 12 ton piled outside the barn. It will be moved on Saturday with the help of two unsuspecting teenagers. They are getting paid to help. They have agreed to help. I just don't think they really know what it means to move that much hay into the barn by hand and stack it. I still have not gotten a hay elevator. The need is growing more urgent. 

I am trying to get Annmarie and our medieval trailer out the door today. It has sat idle for nine years so we are going to sell it and buy a stock trailer. We found a local group event outside the Tricities and she is going to spend the weekend vending that portion of our life. A medieval yard sale. I now remember how many things used to go wrong the closer we would get to an event. Annmarie had a flat tire on her car this morning. 
I just needed to unload hay from the flat bed so I could hook up the enclosed trailer. The tractor keeps doing the "vapor lock thing". I have a sneaking suspicion there is more to it. Tractor keeps dying. I cannot get all the hay unloaded and now the tractor is dead in the driveway. We will have to finish unloading by hand. I am currently trying to pump up Annmarie's car tire to see if it will hold air long enough for me to drive to town. After it has air I am going to try and get the trailer hooked up. I suspect I will have to change the ball size on my stinger. They are hard to swap out! Plus it  will be amazing if the trailer tires don't need work and I am running out of time quickly. 
I needed a new sign for my chicken coop. I need a beware of predators sign. 

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