.243 brass drying after getting washed. |
Sarah and I have started getting ready to reload some 243 ammo. I tumbled all that my dad had on hand and we washed it yesterday. Sarah told me I should be able to balance it on a paper towel, but I could not get them all to stay upright. Now mind you, she has been reloading pistol rounds and they are a lot wider at the opening than 243 rounds. I had to come up with some way to hold them upright so the inside could dry. It dawned on me that Annmarie's cookie wrack has a nice grid like top and it turned out perfect.
I am trying to get the upstairs bedroom floor completed but all these other little jobs are distracting me. We are having toilet issues again so a new toilet install has started to rear its ugly head. Never mind that I have all the parts and new toilet, I am just not ready to install the new toilet. Haven't really been ready for last four years!!
Upstairs bedroom, 80 grit sanding done in middle, need to do edges near wall with hand sander. |
The upstairs bedroom picture was taken from the inside of the furnace closet. I need to hand sand the edges with 50 grit then 80 grit then 120 grit. Once that is done then I will sand the middle of the floor with 120 grit on my belt sander and I will be done sanding. For a super smooth finish you should go up to at least 200 if not 400 grit, but I am going for the rustic look so 120 is fine. After the sanding is done, I vacuum really well, wash the walls, and ceiling then the floor. Once everything is clean and dust free I will stain the floor, let it dry for a day then apply two coats of lacquer to harden the floor and keep the stain from rubbing off as easily.
Free grape plants |
My grape plants have taken off. I read about starting plants from the vines that are cut off in the winter. A friend of mine at work, mike, kept some vines for me and I drug them home in the back of the Prius. A couple of weeks later I trimmed them all up and planted them in some potting soil. I drilled some holes in the bottom of the top bucket and placed it inside of another bucket. Soaked the dirt down, placed in medium temperature room with lots of sun and viola! Live grape plants for free! I would like to plant three different varieties. So I am going to only use up 1/3 of my available planting area with this variety.
Sarah and I are going to try to plant our garden starts this year. Seeds are expensive, but the starts are outrageous. So I am going to use the little green house we started the creeping thyme in last year. Hopefully, we will have better than 10% survival rate. Today we plant all the seeds.
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