Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fencing again

Well I spent the morning trying to stop the sheep from sneaking out of the pasture.  I patched the large hole, obviously a favorite spot since there was a worn down trail in the cheat grass.  I placed hog panels over both large metal gates.  The babies could just jump between the metal rails.  The adult sheep could not get through the gates, but they bawl and raise a ruckus when the babies get away from them.  Our runoff fed back creek is still running.  At the far end of the property it has dried up, but near our house and lower it is still running.  I think it is getting some water from the pasture and spring on the other side of the old chicken coop.  It is hot!  I am going to stay inside for the rest of the day now.  I needed to do some housework anyway.  We have a heat pump so central cooling happens automatically.  It is a pleasant 72 degrees F inside the house and over mid 90's outside.  I called Annmarie and told her I had stopped the sheep from leaving the pasture,  she laughed.  No really, I think I got it covered this time...

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