Monday, February 28, 2011

February chicken financials

I made $8.45 for the month on an average 27 hens laying (a second month in the black!!  Amazing, still going to raise the prices, I need to change out the bedding in the coop and it is going to drive me into the red.  If Sarah weren't sick we would have done this already). My net income total is $16.88 for the year .  I had $44.82 in expenses for feed (200#) this month.  For the year, my monthly expenses are $55.00. We collected a total of 352 usable eggs (85 less than last month) averaging 12.6 eggs/day collected (for the year the average is 13.3 eggs/day).  My productivity for the month was 47% (for the year it is 49%).  The chickens ate 0.57# food/egg (for the year are averaging 0.57# food/egg).   In February it cost $0.13/egg or $1.56/doz for feed (my yearly average is $0.12/egg or $1.44/dozen).  We collected 23 quail eggs for the month.

Soon I need to get the new quail enclosure so I can have new chicken babies.  Chickens don't like the snow.  They stayed inside the coop after the snow started.  

1 comment:

  1. well, i am glad you made a little profit! i have been using your excel sheet faithfully and am in the red. california is getting out of control with rising costs. my organic chicken feed is $23.75 for a 50# bag and one 112# bale of alfalfa hay was $16 today. i sell my eggs for $5/dozen and then i'm barely breaking even. but, i'm enjoying your spreadsheet! hope you get your quail enclosure done soon.
