Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cat Antics

Back in October, we rescued a kitten from under a rock crib (you can access my LJ entry here: We've finally decided she was most likely abandoned my her mother because she's quite a bit smaller than her siblings, and to tell the truth, she's not exactly the sharpest tack in the pack. But, she's in now and is turning out to be a very interesting cat. She and Sprout (the 10-lb dog) don't either one seem to know they are different species, and play just like litter mates. He'll even get toys for her, to the point of bugging me until I get them if neither one of them can reach them. Lately, she seems to have taken a liking to napping in a re-useable shopping bag that was emptied and not put away. She has relocated it to the middle of the morning sun pool and spends most of the morning curled up napping in the sun - inside the bag. When she's not napping, she's playing with the straps. The truly amusing thing is that we haven't picked up the bag and put it away because the cat's using it. Do you ever wonder who is actually in charge?

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